Sitecore – SOLR is NOT starting trick #1

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As you probably know Sitecore supports Solr search engine, and I’ve got stuck when its services weren’t starting!

In this post I’m going to show how I have overcome and saved myself from painful rework task!

I have a Sitecore instance set to use Solr which was up and running, until I have been asked to replace the schema.xml files.

Facing the issue

My environment has Bitnami Solr installed, and here are the steps I have done to update schema.xml

1. Navigate to Solr installation folder

2. Launch manager-windows.exe

Bitnami Solr Manager Windows Blog Vinicius Deschamps

3. Go to Manage Servers tab, then click Stop All

Bitnami Solr Stop All Services Blog Vinicius Deschamps

4. Updated the schema.xml files – OR anything else you have to update 🙂

5. Back to manager-windows.exe, then Manage Servers

6. Click Start All

Bitnami Solr Not Starting Demonstration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

However, the services were hanging after a while and shows as Stopped. Well, after troubleshooting, I figured it out.

Here are the steps you can take to address this issue

Overcoming the issue

1. Navigate to Solr installation folder

Apache Solr Folder Delete All Files Blog Vinicius Deschamps

2. Go to apache-solr\logs folder

3. Select ALL files and delete

4. Back to Solr installation folder, and launch manager-windows.exe

5. Go to Manage Servers tab, then click Start All

Bitnami Solr Start All Services Blog Vinicius Deschamps

As you can see the services are now Running

Thanks for reading, and hope you liked it!

I’ll see you on my next post!

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