Sitecore – SOLR is NOT starting trick #2

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In today’s post, I’ll show another tricky to get Solr service started which saved couple hours for install it again.

The story is pretty similar to my last post where I have a Sitecore instance set to use Solr which was up and running, but Solr Server restarted caused by a general failure in the operational system. Well, after that Solr wasn’t starting anymore.

Facing the issue

My environment has Bitnami Solr installed, and the server restarted but once it was back up Solr didn’t work.

1. After Solr server restarted, Sitecore was throwing the follow error

Sitecore Yellow Screen of Death YSOD Connection Error To Search Provider Solr Blog Vinicius Deschamps

2. Go to Solr server, navigate to Solr installation folder and launch manager-windows.exe

Bitnami Solr Manager Windows Blog Vinicius Deschamps

3. Go to Manage Servers tab, and notice Solr is Stopped

Bitnami Solr Manage Servers Blog Vinicius Deschamps

4. I tried Restart All, but no lucky – Solr service back up and then hangs

Bitnami Solr Not Starting Demonstration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

5. Repeat the steps from my old post, and again NO LUCKY!

After a deep troubleshoot, I figured it out. And here are the steps you can follow to address this issue.

Overcoming the issue

1. Open Internet Information Service, find the Sitecore instance which has the Solr configuration set

IIS Internet Information Services Sitecore Sites Blog Vinicius Deschamps

2. Right-click on the Sitecore instance, Manage Website and Stop

IIS Internet Information Services Stop Sitecore Blog Vinicius Deschamps

3. Connect to the Solr server, navigate to folder installation and open manager-windows.exe

4. Go to Manage Servers tab, then click Stop All

Bitnami Solr Stop All Services Blog Vinicius Deschamps

5. Once both show as Stopped, then click Start All

bitnami solr services stopped start all blog vinicius deschamps

6. Wait for a while, and notice both services are Running and Solr didn’t hang

Bitnami Solr Start All Services Blog Vinicius Deschamps

7. Back to the IIS, right-click on the Sitecore instance and Start it again

IIS Internet Information Services Start Sitecore Blog Vinicius Deschamps

And let’s test it…. browse to your Sitecore instance

Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh With Styles Blog Vinicius Deschamps

voilà! Sitecore and Solr are now back up!

Thanks for reading, and hope you liked it!

I’ll see you on my next post!

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Uma resposta para “Sitecore – SOLR is NOT starting trick #2”

  1. […] As a side note, Solr is used in other solutions as well, and, despite the fact this post is focused and using Sitecore values, please feel free to have a look at some queries in Solr. […]

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