Sitecore announces 2018 MVPs

Avatar de Vinicius

Exactly one year ago, for the very first time, I was receiving the honor to be part of the Sitecore MVP group. Back then, I shared with you about my start, goals and how happy I was in be awarded!

Last November, once again, I submitted for this year’s technical Sitecore MVP awards, and I felt more anxious than last year

Haven’t seen in my entirely life a January soooooooooooooooooo long as this year, and I was like

Sitecore 2018 MVP Anxious Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Just yesterday, in the non-ending month of January, Sitecore named its 2018 Most Valuable Professionals and I was THERE for the 2nd time!

Well, don’t need to say that all anxious became something like this….

I am so happy MVP Celebration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

I am proud and glad to be part (again) of the Sitecore Most Valuable Professionals in 2018!

The first big thanks goes to my wife, Raquel, for all support and understanding during the journey! I LOVE YOU RAQUEL!

For the second round of thanks, I’d like to thank Sitecore, Sitecore Community and Sitecore MVPs!

And last but not least, a HUGE thanks to all readers!

As usual, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on my next post!

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