Sitecore Identity Server and Azure AD security groups limit
One of the most exciting – and easy – things to perform now with Sitecore Identity is the integration with Azure Active Directory (AD) which allows your users authenticate…
Publishing Service as Azure App Service and Connection Strings
Azure App Services provide plenty of features and options but you probably alredy know that. One of the things that I like the most is the ability to configure…
Sitecore announces 2020 MVPs
BAM! Another year starts, and as usual Sitecore announces their MVPs for 2020. And for the 4th time consecutive (2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020) I’ve been awarded as a…
SSL/TLS error while rebuilding xDB index
During a troubleshoot session with Sitecore, I was asked to rebuild the xDB index and I thought “I should connect to Sitecore and be able to rebuild it, easy peasy”….
[Solved] Issue with Sitecore Identity Server and Azure AD
I had to set up an integration between Azure Active Directory and Sitecore 9.1, and I was able to accomplish it by following the steps on Derek Correia’s blog….

Vinicius Deschamps é pós-graduado em Segurança da Informação, graduado em Sistemas de Informação e possui mais de 18 anos de experiência em ambientes Microsoft.
Recentemente, foi reconhecido pela Microsoft como Most Valuable Professional na Categoria de Azure