Sitecore announces 2020 MVPs

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BAM! Another year starts, and as usual Sitecore announces their MVPs for 2020. And for the 4th time consecutive (2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020) I’ve been awarded as a Sitecore MVP. Let’s make another great year in the community and leading people through the Sitecore world!

Sitecore MVP 2020 Celebration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

I am dignified, thrilled and eager to keep the MVP title and sharing valuable content around Sitecore! Believe me, the responsibility is gigantic!

And I know I couldn’t reach my goals alone, so….

Raquel, for all support, understanding and love during the journey (AGAIN)! I LOVE YOU RAQUEL

Sitecore, Sitecore MVPs, Sitecore community and my readers, to believe in my potential and how helpful I am with the community.

Last but not least, congrats to all Sitecore 2020 MVPs!

sitecore mvp 2020 celebration 2 blog vinicius deschamps

As usual, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on my next post!

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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