
  • Sitecore Security Hardening Guideline #2


    In past, the biggest concern were get the wallet stolen as everything about our life, right? And nowadays, what do you think is the biggest one? YOUR DATA BE EXPOSED! Am…

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    Sitecore databases – using Azure SQL


    Since I have seen the term CLOUD for the first time, I already heard many assumptions from “in love” to “no supporters” people. Everyone has its own perspective, and who wouldn’t…

  • Instalações Sitecore – dicas e truques #3


    Quantos Sitecores você já instalou? Provavelmente já perdeu as contas, não é mesmo? E você melhor do que eu o quão automático este processo se torna e você praticamente não…

  • Sitecore installations – tips and tricks #3


    How many Sitecore instances have you installed already? Have you lost the number, haven’t you? And you know better than me that it becomes an automatic process you almost…

  • Sitecore Security Hardening Guideline #1


    On my previous post, I’ve guided you through the steps you need to take in order to add license.xml into the Data folder based on Sitecore recommendations, which means…