Sitecore installations – tips and tricks #3

Avatar de Vinicius

How many Sitecore instances have you installed already? Have you lost the number, haven’t you? And you know better than me that it becomes an automatic process you almost don’t see what you’ve done, and BAM everything is installed, LET’S DEPLOY ALL SITECORE ON THIS SERVER!!!!!

If you have been following this series posts of Sitecore Installation – Tips and Tricks, that’s the time I say “Not so fast buddy!” – for those who doesn’t remember here #1, and here #2.

At very first moment a Sitecore installation looks straight forward – and it is – however in the same proportion we get confident about our process, our knowledge in Sitecore then BAM – *fell of the chair* – a huge error shows up and you feel bad! Now, put yourself on the scene above under pressure…. Yeah, here it is the time to separate men and women from the boys and girls!

So, hoping you don’t have a heart attack nor panicking, relax! Then, breathe calmly, put your head to think and follow me!

Here is our story, you just received an e-mail from your manager saying

Hi, I am glad to announce a new Sitecore project, and for the first time we’ll take care of it since beginning. Which means we are going to install the server from scratch and deploy our Sitecore deployment on client’s environment.

Also, you have received a second e-mail with all information for remote access, credentials and “your username has Administrator privileges on all servers”.

Super! Now, let’s assume you have walked through and installed the requirements to run a Sitecore Instance.

(Now, you and me will have a quick dialogue)

  • YOU : Perfect! Everything installed, will let my manager aware and go home. It has been a long week.
  • ME : Sorry to act as the bad guy here, have you tested the Sitecore installation?
  • YOU : No, why you ask? Everything was installed, no errors and I already send an e-mail to my bo…. – *long pause* – “CRAP!!! An e-mail from my boss saying that nothing loads! What went wrong??!?!!? It was a very straight forward process..
  • ME : Well, I know isn’t the best moment, but never forget “Not so fast buddy” post #1 of this Sitecore Installations – Tips and Tricks series.

Alright, we don’t have another option other than troubleshoot the installation! Let’s do it!

Go ahead and access the server, then try access the Sitecore page

Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh Without Styles Blog Vinicius Deschamps

I believe you should remember that this page used to have an image and better styles and fonts. Can you check /sitecore page?

Sitecore Login Page Without Styles Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Weird! I’m seeing that you are using Chrome, press F12 and choose Elements, then find the broken Sitecore Logo

Developer Tool F12 Broken Link Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Now that you know where the PNG path, browse the full path: http://mysitecore/sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard/Images/Login/login.png

Sitecore Full Path Login Accessing Broken Link Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Hmmm! Well, a good sign here as we don’t get a deny neither a 404 page, then we can confirm it isn’t a permission problem.

Looks like the static contents aren’t been shown! Interesting *thoughtful*

Oh WAIT! STATIC CONTENTS! THAT’S IT! Hey buddy, why don’t we try to install the Static Content feature under Common HTTP Features

YOU : Hmmm Okay! How?

Follow me!

  • Open Server Manager, then click on Add Roles and Features
Windows 2012 Server Manager Dashboard Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • On Add Roles and Features Wizard Window, click Next on Before you begin step
Before You Beging Add Roles And Features Window Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • Installation Type step, make sure the option Role-based or Feature-based installation is select and click Next
Select Installation Type Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • Server Selection step, double check if it is the correct server and click Next
Select Destination Server Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • Server Roles step, find Web Server (IIS) and navigate to Web Server > Common HTTP Features then look for Static Content
Iis Web Server Common Http Static Content Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • Once you have found Static Content, check it and click Next
Check Static Content Blog Vinicius Deschamps
  • Features step leave as it is and click Next
  • Confirmation step, double check what will be install and click Install
  • Once installation finishes, back to browser and navigate to your Sitecore instance
Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh Without Styles Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Well, before you say something… Check again pressing CTRL+R or a simple F5 🙂

Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh With Styles Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Finally! Now, call your boss and say that you FIXED IT!

And never forget “Not so fast buddy” 🙂

Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in my next post!

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