How to properly configure Coveo for Sitecore to avoid 401 unauthorized error messages
When working on a Sitecore scaled environment or having the Coveo server running separately from the content management server, you need to make sure that your Sitecore instance is…
Sitecore Security Hardening Guideline #2
In past, the biggest concern were get the wallet stolen as everything about our life, right? And nowadays, what do you think is the biggest one? YOUR DATA BE EXPOSED! Am…
Sitecore databases – using Azure SQL
Since I have seen the term CLOUD for the first time, I already heard many assumptions from “in love” to “no supporters” people. Everyone has its own perspective, and who wouldn’t…
Instalações Sitecore – dicas e truques #3
Quantos Sitecores você já instalou? Provavelmente já perdeu as contas, não é mesmo? E você melhor do que eu o quão automático este processo se torna e você praticamente não…
Sitecore installations – tips and tricks #3
How many Sitecore instances have you installed already? Have you lost the number, haven’t you? And you know better than me that it becomes an automatic process you almost…

Vinicius Deschamps é pós-graduado em Segurança da Informação, graduado em Sistemas de Informação e possui mais de 18 anos de experiência em ambientes Microsoft.
Recentemente, foi reconhecido pela Microsoft como Most Valuable Professional na Categoria de Azure