Sitecore – Using SSL part 3

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This is the third part in a series of posts about Using SSL on a Sitecore environment, I hope you enjoy it!

On my last two posts (part 1 and part 2), you saw an overview of SSL, how to create a self-signed certificate, few tricks & tips, and how to deal with Multiple Certificates for the same website.

In today’s post, I’ll share some experience while setting up IIS using Subject Alternative Names (aka SAN certificates).

Let’s see


IMPORTANT: Please note that I am using a self-signed certificate. If you want more information how to generate your own, please check Sitecore – Using SSL Part 1 post!

Scenario – SAN certificate under the same website

Assuming you have a SAN certificate, which means multiple domains are present in the same file.

1. Open IIS, expand sites

IIS Internet Information Services Expand Site Blog Vinicius Deschamps

2. Select the Site you want to use the SAN certificate, right-click on it then Edit Bindings

IIS Internet Information Services Edit Bindings Blog Vinicius Deschamps

3. In Site Bindings, click Add

IIS Sitecore Site Bindings Add Blog Vinicius Deschamps

4. In Add Site Binding, choose Type HTTPS, choose SSL Certificate (, and then click Ok and Close in Site Bindings

IIS Internet Information Services Edit Site Binding SAN Certificate Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Let’s test it!

Please note that I already have in my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) pointing to

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts SAN Domains Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Open a browser and access

Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh Installation SSL SAN domains domain Blog Vinicius Deschamps

YAY! It worked! Now, let’s test another domain present in the same SAN certificate.

How to check domains present in a certificate (PLUS!!!!!)

There are at least three different ways to check the domains which belongs to a certificate, I’ll share the one I think it is the easiest.

1. Open IIS, look for Server Certificates at your right panel (Home), then double click it

IIS Internet Information Services Server Certificates Blog Vinicius Deschamps

2. Find the certificate you want to check, and double click it

IIS Server Certificates View Blog Vinicius Deschamps

3. Go to Details tab

Certificate General Tab Blog Vinicius Deschamps

4. Scroll down and find the Field named Subject Alternative Name

Certificate Details Tab Subject Alternative Name Blog Vinicius Deschamps

All domains listed here are part of the certificate you used before.

Please note that I already have and in my hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) pointing to

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts SAN Domains Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Let’s test them, open a browser and type and then

Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh Installation SSL SAN domains domain Blog Vinicius Deschamps
Sitecore Experience Platform Fresh Installation SSL SAN domains domain Blog Vinicius Deschamps

I hope you liked it, thanks for reading! I’ll see you on my next post.

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