Sitecore announces 2017 MVPs

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Back in 2013 I started my Sitecore journey, and since last year I set a goal to explore this world using my System Administrator skills by writing articles, contributing in the community and being an active member and co-founder of Sitecore User Group in Brazil.

One of my goals last year was to start a journey in Sitecore’s world using my System Administrator skills by writing articles, contributing in the community and being an active member of SUG in Brazil.

A few months ago I submitted for this year’s technical MVP awards, and just today I was notified that I had been rewarded for my efforts!

I am now officially a Sitecore Technologist MVP

And I was like…

Sitecore MVP Celebration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

First of all, I would like to thank my wife, Raquel, for all support, understanding during the journey and to believe in me! I LOVE YOU Raquel!

Second, it is a honor be part of Sitecore MVP group that includes several of my colleagues at nonlinear who also provided all assistance and motivation to move forward on this path.

Third, my congratulations to all MVPs, specially to my nonlinearites colleagues: Amanda ShigaGlen McinnisGrant BartlettJason St-CyrRandy WoodsRodrigo Peplau who also received awards.

Last but not least, a BIG thanks to all readers and of course to the community!

Again thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on my next post!

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