Sitecore announces 2019 MVPs

Avatar de Vinicius

WOW! Cannot believe it is that time of the year again when Sitecore announces 2019 MVP.

I remember exactly how my day looked like when I was first awarded as Sitecore MVP back in 2017, and once again in 2018, now for the third time in a row I have been awarded with such honor in be part of the Sitecore MVP group.

Of course, I am celebrating the moment….

Sitecore MVP 2019 Celebration Blog Vinicius Deschamps

Again, I am proud, glad and excited with the new challenges and responsibilities that a new award brings and can’t wait to share some good content and lead you through Sitecore world.

As part of my thanks list, cannot forget my wife, Raquel, for all support, understanding and love during the journey! I LOVE YOU RAQUEL!

Secondly, I’d like to thank Sitecore, Sitecore community and Sitecore MVPs to believe in my potential and how helpful I am within the community.

And last but not least, a HUGE thanks to all readers.

As usual, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you on my next post!

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